Euclid Hospital offers some of the most complete, comprehensive stroke care. Utilizing advanced technology and innovative treatment options, our specialists provide the highest level of care in diagnosing and treating patients quickly—significantly improving your health and recovery time.

Euclid Hospital is ready to treat you with the highest quality of care 24/7, 365 days a year.

Stroke Certification

Euclid Hospital is a Primary Stroke Center, certified by The Joint Commission. This signifies that Euclid Hospital has met stringent national stroke care standards. As a Certified Stroke Center, Euclid Hospital is held to the highest standards in the areas of quality and patient safety, which means the best care for your family.

欧几里得医院是17克利夫兰诊所中心之一tions to have earned a stroke certification from The Joint Commission.

American Heart Association/American Stroke Association Get With The Guidelines® Stroke Gold Plus Award
In 2022, Euclid Hospital received the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association's Get with the Guidelines® Stroke Gold Plus, Target: Stroke Honor Roll and Target: Type 2 Diabetes Honor Roll Award. This achievement recognizes Euclid Hospital’s commitment and success in implementing the highest standard of stroke care by ensuring that stroke patients receive treatment according to nationally accepted standards and recommendations. Cleveland Clinic's health system boasts an additional 15 hospitals identified for exceptional care through the Get with the Guidelines® award.

Warning signs of a stroke include:

  • Sudden weakness or numbness on the face on one side
  • Sudden unexplained dizziness or lack of balance
  • Sudden vision impairment especially in one eye
  • Sudden severe headache with no known cause
  • Sudden slurred speech

The National Stroke Association uses the following information to get people to act in recognizing symptoms and getting help. It is recommended to"B.E.F.A.S.T.”

B – Balance:Watch for a sudden loss of balance
E – Eyes:Is there a sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes? Is there double vision?

F – Face:Ask person to smile. Does one side of the face droop?
A – Arm:Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?
S – Speech:Ask the person to speak a simple phrase. Does the speech sound slurred or strange?
T – Time:If you observe any of these signs, immediately call 9-1-1.